The Oshawa Historical Society is a registered charity that engages in fundraising activities and accepts donations from individuals, corporations, associations and other donors to support its mandate, vision, mission, and values.
The operating expenses for the Oshawa Museum are funded by the City of Oshawa, however other expenses related to artefact acquisition and exhibit development are generally funded through donations and sponsorships.
How to Support the OHS
Greta Ellis's Story
Here's the story of one person who chose to leave a legacy gift to the OHS

Miss Ellis, a local school teacher, had a personal tie with Henry House as a great granddaughter of Reverend Thomas Henry. Her mother, Mary Myrtle, was the daughter of Thomas and Lurenda's son Albert and his wife Harriet Guy. In 1973 the Oshawa Historical Society learned Miss Ellis had left a sum of money in her will to Henry House. The Board of Directors decided her legacy gift would form the basis of an endowment to finance the cost of projects related to Henry House.
More than 40 years after her death, Miss Ellis' gift continues to fund projects ranging from the purchase of period appropriate wallpaper for the parlour of Henry House to the acquisition of artefacts for the home.

Consider leaving a legacy gift to the Oshawa Historical Society and with your help the Oshawa Museum will continue to engage, educate and entertain for years to come.
Legal Information
Legal Name: Oshawa Historical SocietyRegistered Charitable Number: 12375 6314 RR0001
Address: 1450 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa, Ontario L1H 8S8 Canada
Telephone: 905-436-7624